Mathematics (old page)

[Une version française de cette page est également disponible.]

Table of Contents


If you're looking for my professional Web site, it is elsewhere.

As the title indicates, this is my “old” math page. It is a repertoire of various mathematical texts I wrote when I was student (at the ENS essentially, or before), which I keep for its “historical” interest (some people find certain things on this page interesting for various reasons, so I don't want to simply remove it from the Web). This is not my current mathematical research, only old stuff: for my publication list and whatnot, please see my professional Web site (which is also not up to date, unfortunately).

For the same reason, I am generally not interested in possible errors in these papers: I know there are some, but this is old stuff, and the style of TeX and the mode of compilation is such that it would be very inconvenient for me to make any changes now (in a few cases, I may even have lost the source).

There are more math pages on this site, some being possibly more up to date than this one (such as the math posts on my blog).


See my professional Web site.


I have organized at the ENS a workshop on logic, set theory and forcing (both classical and intuitionist) during the 1998–1999 term. Here is the list of talks that took place:

  1. Prolegomena (by myself). Available (dvi or ps (compressed); French).
  2. The Constructible Universe (by Itaï Ben-Yaacov). Not available.
  3. Large Cardinals (by Benoît Collins). Available (dvi or ps (compressed); French).
  4. Introduction to categorical logic (by myself). Available (dvi or ps (compressed); French).
  5. Classical Forcing àla Cohen (by Jean Marot). Please refer to Jech's book.
  6. Topos semantics and intuitionist forcing (by Frédéric Déglise). No notes were written but my magistère dissertation (see above) might play that role; otherwise refer to MacLane's book.


Some posts I made to the students' forum (local newsgroup) of the ENS, included in my Best Of are of mathematical interest (note that all are in French):


Algebra II course handouts at the ENS in 2004–2007

I put on a separate page (in French) the set of handouts, with corrections (as well as some ancillary documents), that I wrote while TA-ing (as agrégé-préparateur) at the École normale supérieure in 2004–2007 for the Algebra II course (on rings, modules, tensor products, field extensions, Galois theory, polynomials and related topics).

Graduate level

Undergraduate level


Old stuff

What follows was written a long time ago (before I entered the ENS, essentially), and may be hopelessly wrong, out of date, or anything like that: caveat sumptor.



If you don't know about the French educational system, the above word means “glue” (with a very strange spelling — something like “ghloo”) and refers to an oral interrogation. Anyway, I used to be a “khôlleur” and you can find the list of exercices I gave on the French version of this page (they are all in French, naturally).


The same comment as above applies here. DEUG refers to the first two years of University (i.e. undergraduate years) in France; MIAS means “Mathematics, Informatics (i.e. computer science) and Applications to Sciences”. Since september 2000, I teach in DEUG MIAS. I have written a few complete solutions to various exercices: see the French version of this page.