David Madore's WebLog: How many vowels are there in English?

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How many vowels are there in English?

How anyone can master such a crazy language as English is beyond my understanding:

aaiau eeaeeeiiie ooaoeoiooou uui
[iː] theseleaftreereceivepolicepiece phoenix
[ɪ] prettysitsieve women busybuild
[ɪə] heredeardeerweirdfierce
[ɛ]manysaid beddeadGreenwichheifer bury
[ɛə]careair beartheir
[ɛɪ]aperain greatveil
[ʌ] sondoesbloodcouple sun
[aɪ] heighttimedie guide
[aʊ] house
[ɑː]fatherlaugh sergeantheart
[ɒ]wassausage dogcough
[ɔː]talkfault morebroaddoorthought
[ɔɪ] point
[ʊ] womanbookcould sugar
[ʊə] poortour sure
[uː] doshoefoodsoup rudefruit
[ɜː] herearthsir wordjourney turn
[əʊ] sosoaptoesoul

(This is for British so-called “received” pronunciation. Not every combination has been shown, and only stressed vowels have been tabulated.)

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