David Madore's WebLog: Happy new year!

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↓Entry #0253 [older| permalink|newer] / ↓Entrée #0253 [précédente| permalien|suivante] ↓

(Saturday) · Jewish New Year (5764)

Happy new year!

I forgot, last Monday (Primidi 1er Vendémiaire), to wish everyone a happy new year CCXII; and I forgot, last Saturday ( on the Long count, 4 Ahau 8 Chen, rule of the Fourth Lord of the Night), to wish everyone a happy new round of the Tzolkin; and I even forgot, Friday two weeks ago (Tut 1 and Maskaram 1), to wish you a happy new year 1720 and 1996; but today it is not too late to wish everyone a happy new year 5764. The nice thing about the totally crazy number of calendars that mankind has come up with is that there's always some kind of new year to celebrate (I'll let you figure out what they stand for; please consult your local Emacs for more details).

So, whatever your calendar, and whatever your culture, I wish you a happy new year and a happy rest of your life.

On 2003-12-20 (December 20), I will be 10000 days old. Please remind me if I forget.

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