David Madore's WebLog: Now it's my router's turn

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↓Entry #0115 [older| permalink|newer] / ↓Entrée #0115 [précédente| permalien|suivante] ↓


Now it's my router's turn

My router's power control block just failed. I'm cracking up.

You won't see this 'blog entry for a bit of time, of course…

Fortunately, I can “borrow” another PC's power control block for a few days, until I buy a new one. That's the advantage of having half a dozen computers in the same house. Now I have to gather the willpower to perform the organ transplant…

↑Entry #0115 [older| permalink|newer] / ↑Entrée #0115 [précédente| permalien|suivante] ↑

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