David Madore's WebLog: Operation Infinite Purity

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↓Entry #0070 [older| permalink|newer] / ↓Entrée #0070 [précédente| permalien|suivante] ↓

(Saturday) · Summer Solstice (2003-06-21T19:10:27.32Z) · Last Quarter

Operation Infinite Purity

The fake White House Web site hosts often hilarious satire pieces, parodying the Bush administration's puritanism. (It is true, however, that I think they would be often even funnier if they didn't stretch things to such outrageous extremes—of course, the Bush administration would also be funnier if they didn't stretch things to such outrageous extremes.)

Anyway, the article entitled Operation Infinite Purity made me rather howl with laughter. It should be read, if possible, while listening to the Monty Python's infamous song, Every Sperm is Sacred (lyrics here).

(All right, I think I've posted enough for today. By now, everyone and his dog knows by heart the exact time of the summer solstice, I'm sure.)

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