This page describes an invented card game that is played with tarot
cards, if possible divinatory tarot (but ordinary tarot cards will do
also). The game has been called pseudo-tarot
for a time, until
someone suggested the much better name arcanoid
(with a
‘c’, mark: with a ‘k’ the name refers to a
well-known arcade game).
The requirements that the rules were to meet have been outlined in
an entry
in my weblog.
The rules have known some variation over time: the version
described in this version of this page shall be codenamed
“DRESDEN” (there is no logic or reason behind this name, I
just needed an arbitrary label). Further variants, with different names, will be described
later on.
However, there is supposed to be no difference in meaning between
this English version of the rules and the French version: both are equally
authoritative. In case of conflict, the version closer to the spirit
of the rules should apply.
Table of Contents
The cards
The deck is a tarot deck of seventy-eight cards, which we describe
here for convenience:
- Fifty-six cards, called minor arcana by occultists, the
ordinary (non-trump) cards, are grouped in four suits of fourteen
cards each. The four suits are: swords, staves, cups and coins
(sometimes coins are called pentacles). If the deck uses French
suits, then they are, correspondingly and respectively: spades, clubs,
heards and diamonds (note that this differs from the order used in
Bridge by putting clubs second rather than last). The fourteen ranks
in each suit are: ace, deuce through ten, knave (also known as page,
or jack), knight, queen and king; ace is least; knave, knight, queen
and king are called courts (of that suit), and ace through
ten are called numeric cards.
- Twenty-one trump cards, called major arcana by
occultists. They are named as follows: The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Justice, The Hermit, The Wheel of Fortune, Strength, The Hanged Man, Death (sometimes unnamed), Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment and The World. If the trump cards
are unnamed, but are numbered from one trough twenty-one, then they
correspond to the names in the order just given; however, if the cards
are named and numbered but in a different order than this one (for
example, it is not unusual for Justice and
Strength to be interchanged: such is the case in the
Rider-Waite tarot deck), then the names or pictures should have
precedence over the numbers.
- One last card, usually grouped with major arcana (as number zero,
or unnumbered, or sometimes as number twenty-two or even
twenty-and-half), stands apart from the rest: The Fool (in modern French tarot
decks it is called The Excuse).
Principles of the game
The game can be played by two to ten players (though the optimal
number is between four and six). Each game consists of normally five
rounds. At the start of each round, the cards are dealt
anew and play proceeds independently from the other rounds; at the end
of the round, the (up to four) “battle winners” are
determined. At the end of the game, only this information from each
round is used to determine the overall winner.
Each round consists of four battles, which take place
simultaneously, one on each of four (abstract)
battlefields, corresponding to each of the four suits (so,
swords, staves, cups and coins). The round determines four winners,
one for each of the battlefields (there is always exactly one winner
per round for each battlefield), but it is quite possible for one
player to win several battles in the same round (even all four of
them). The game winner is normally determined, after five rounds, as
the player having won the greatest number of battles, irrespective of
suit, but in the case of a draw, there are more complicated rules to
determine the actual winner.
Each round consists of a number of turns, during which each player
plays successively. The moves which can be made during a turn will be
described later. Some moves are said to
commit a player in a battlefield: in such a move, the
player puts down some cards which will represent his
“forces” on that battlefield; a committing move is
irrevocable, and except for the Tower (one
of the major arcana) nothing can change the committed cards, add or
remove anything, until the end of the round. The round ends when all
players have made a committing move for each one of the battlefields,
and it is then by comparing the committed forces, battlefield by
battlefield, that the winner of each battle is determined. As soon as
a given player has committed on the fourth battlefield, that player is
removed from play for the remainder of the round, and his cards are
During the course of a round, before and after each move, each
player normally has six card in his hand. It cannot be more (barring
the effect of some major arcana). It can be less, but only in the
case when the deck is empty, and then the round will continue at most
until all players have run out of cards (at which point they have no
choice but to abdicate on the remaining battlefields, if
any—though the order in which they do so might be important).
When the deck is not empty, each move is concluded by drawing from the
deck the number of cards required to complete the cards in one's hand
to six (or to empty the deck).
The basic principle of a committing move is to put down any number
of cards from one's hand, all of the suit that matches the battlefield
for which one is committing (but there are exceptions to this). At
the end of the round (again, when all players have committed on each
battlefield), the forces are compared in principle by adding the total
number of figures committed by each player on each battlefield: for
example, if one player committed the four, six and seven of swords (on
the battlefield of swords) and another player the nine and ten, the
latter would win the battle of swords (provided the other players did
not commit something even higher). Remember that once cards have been
committed on a particular battlefield, they can never be changed.
Making a move
Passing one's turn is not permitted: each player must, when he is
to move, either perform some committing move, or perform some move
that causes him to remove at least one card from his hand (and
consequently draw, unless the deck is empty) or perhaps from some
other store of cards (see, e.g., the description of the major arcanum
Strength below).
One move that is always possible consists of discarding
a card: the player then removes one card from his deck (discarding
more than one card at a time is not permitted) and puts it, face down
(without showing it to the other players), on the discard pile. The
player then completes the move by drawing a card from the deck, unless
the deck is empty. Any card can be discarded, there are no exceptions
to this.
In all of what follows, the verb “to
discard” will refer to the action of putting a card face
down, without showing it to the other players, on the discard pile
(see below).
We now leave aside all major arcana, whose effects we will detail
later, and concentrate on the fifty-six suit
cards, to describe how to make committing moves.
To make a committing move on a battlefield, the player sets down a
certain number of cards from the corresponding suit. It is possible
to set down no cards at all: in fact, that is the only possible move
which does not remove any cards from the player's hand (but it is
allowed nonetheless, as it is a committing move), and it is therefore
the only possible move when a player has no cards left (because the
deck is empty); in that case, the player must clearly state what
battlefield he is committing nothing on, and is said to
abdicate on that battlefield, which he cannot win (unless
all other players also abdicate, which should be exceedingly
rare). Otherwise, one can put down any number of numeric cards (from
ace through ten) of the corresponding suit, or the knave alone (or the
knave with only an ace), or the knight alone (or the knight with only
an ace), or the queen and the king together. In the first case, the
force on that battlefield is determined by adding the numbers of the
cards in question (with specific rules in case of tie); otherwise, the
knave is worth fifteen (actually a little less, say, fourteen and a
half; an ace does not add to the value of the knave), the knight is
worth eighteen (actually a little less, say, seventeen and a half; an
ace does not add to the value of the knight), and the queen and king
together are worth more than anything else (seventy, say), so they
automatically win the battlefield in question (actually, some major
arcana might be worth even more, as explained later).
No matter what kind of move is made, the player ends by drawing, if
possible, from the deck the number of cards necessary to complete his
The deck and discard piles
The discard pile receives all discarded cards, as well as the cards
of the players who have finished for the round (having committed on
each battlefield). Cards committed on a battlefield are not
put on the discard pile: rather, they are left on the table until the
end of the round. Certain major arcana, also,
are not discarded when used but rather set aside for the remainder of
the round (so they will not come back into play even if the deck is
The deck initially consists of all undealt cards. While the deck
is not empty, cards are drawn from it at the end of each move to
complete the player's hand to six cards or to empty the deck (except
when the player has committed on each battlefield and is removed from
Refilling the deck
When the deck becomes empty, all players must give their opinion
(in playing order, starting from the one who drew the last card, and
including those who are removed from play because they have already
committed on all battlefields) as to whether the deck should be
refilled: if a single player dissents, the deck is not refilled, and
hands are left to run out of cards; however, if all players agree,
then the cards in the discard pile (if any) are shuffled and reused as
new deck, after what play is resumed where it was left off (and the
player whose move resulted in emptying the deck continues to complete
his hand to six cards, if necessary).
Of course, if the deck and the discard pile are both
empty, then there is nothing to do but leave the deck empty (and even
if some cards are discarded at a later point, they cannot be brought
back to the deck). Further note that if a player is in the
process of drawing cards when the deck becomes empty, he should
give his opinion as to whether the deck should be refilled (which
would mean his being able to complete the draw) before
looking at the cards that he has been drawing.
Winning battles
The rules for determining the winner of a battle are as follows (in
order of decreasing strength):
- The World, if committed on a
battlefield, wins that battlefield: the rules ensure that it is always
committed alone (nothing else can be committed on for given suit if the
World has been played on that suit).
- The Empress and Emperor, committed together (they cannot be
committed separately), form the imperial couple and win the
battle against anything else committed on that battlefield. (We might
say, for example, that the imperial couple is worth a hundred
- The queen and king (of the given suit), committed together (they
cannot be committed separately), form the royal couple (of
that given suit) and win the battle against anything but the Empress
and Emperor. (We might say, for example, that the royal couple is
worth seventy.)
- Any court card (knave, knight, queen or king of the given suit),
or the Empress or Emperor, committed together with the Lovers (one of the major arcana) forms a
so-called illegitimate couple, which wins against anything
except a legitimate couple (imperial or royal). Naturally, we will
define such a couple to be worth sixty-nine.
- The knight (possibly committed with an ace) wins the battle
against the knave or against any combination of numeric cards of total
value less than eighteen (up to seventeen, that is).
- The knave (possibly committed with an ace) wins the battle against
any combination of numeric cards of total value less than fifteen (up
to fourteen, that is).
- Combinations of numeric cards are ordered according to their total
number, where the highest total wins (for example, nine and ten
together win against four, six and seven). In case of a draw, the
combination with the greatest number of cards wins (for
example, four, six and seven together win against eight and nine,
because there are three cards to two). If the number of cards are
also equal, the combination with the greatest
smallest card wins (for example, four, six and seven win
against three, five and nine, because the smallest card, four, is
greater than the smallest on the other side, three). If even the
greatest smallest cards are equal, which can happen only because one
of them has been “transmuted” using the Magician, then the commitment with the
transmuted card loses.
- Every combination beats abdication. When all players
abdicate on a battlefield, the first to abdicate wins. Being forced
to abdicate by Judgment counts as any
other abdication.
Winning the game
After all five rounds have been played, the overall winner is
determined according to the following rules:
- The total number of battles won is counted for each player. The
player with the highest total number of battles won wins the
- If there is a tie among the players with highest total number of
battles won, the number of battles of swords is considered,
and the one with the highest total number of battles of swords is the
winner. If there is again a tie, the number of battles of
staves, cups and coins are considered in
that order. (Note: if the deck uses French suits, then the order is,
first spades, then clubs, hearts and diamonds.)
- If there is still a tie, then the last player to have won a battle
of swords is declared the winner. If there is still a tie
(which means that none of the top players has won a battle of swords),
then the other suits are considered in the same order.
The effect of the major arcana
We now consider each trump in turn.
- The Fool (0, or unnumbered)
- The Fool is
played out of turn, immediately after some other player attempts to
commit on a battlefield on which the current player has not yet
committed: the Fool is put down on the table before the next player
plays. The Fool has the effect of stealing the commitment
just attempted: instead of being committed for the player who played
them, they are committed for the player who put down the Fool.
The Fool is then discarded, and the
player who put it down draws a card from the deck if necessary (but
after the player whose commitment was stolen). The Fool cannot be
used to steal a couple of any kind (royal or imperial, legitimate or
illegitimate), nor the World, nor an
abdication (including Judgment), nor
any commitment which contains an ace. However, nothing prevents the
Fool from being used to steal a commitment which would have been the
last for the player attempting it.
- The Magician (1)
- The Magician (best
thought of as an alchemist) can be used to transmute a card
as it is committed, which has the effect of allowing to use it in any
suit of the player's choice. Only numeric suit cards (ace through
ten, of any suit—swords, staves, cups and coins) can be
transmuted (courts cannot be transmuted), and only one card may be
transmuted in a given commitment (which must, therefore, be a numeric
commitment, or a single knave or knight). The magician is committed
along with the numeric values (but does not add to the commitment's
value further than by transmuting the card). For example, it is
possible to commit the ten of swords and the ten of staves, together
with the Magician, either on the swords (by transmuting staves to
swords) or on the staves battlefield (by transmuting staves to
swords), scoring twenty points in either case. It is even possible to
commit a single numeric card with the Magician, on any battlefield
- The High Priestess (2)
- This
card is played by showing it to all players, after what it is
discarded. The player of the High Priestess then chooses any target
player, who shows him his hand. No rule forbids to say what the cards
in the hands are (nor is it forbidden to lie), but it is not permitted
to show the hand to the other players. The player of the High
Priestess draws a new card, and plays again.
- The Empress (3)
- The Empress is of no
value by itself. It can only be played with the Emperor or with the Lovers. When both Empress and Emperor are
possessed by the same player, they can be used together: they are then
committed simultaneously on one or two of the player's
battlefields to which that player has not yet committed (possibly
terminating the player's role in the round). The Empress and Emperor
win all battles to which they are committed, even against the queen
and king of the given suit. (The cards are not discarded when they
are played, they remain where committed.) The Empress and the Lovers
can also be committed on one or two battlefields, but they are weaker
than the royal couple (see the description of the Lovers for more explanations on illegitimate
- The Emperor (4)
- The Emperor is of no
value by itself. It can only be played together with the Empress, as explained above, or with the Lovers in the same way as the Empress.
- The Hierophant (5)
- This card is
played by showing it to all players, after what it is discarded. The
player of the Hierophant then chooses one of the four suits, or trumps
(major arcana without the Fool) or the Fool
alone, and every player, including the caller, shows (to everyone) the
cards of that suit in his hand. The Fool need not be shown if trumps
are called for: however, the Hierophant can be used to reveal the Fool
(and only the Fool). The player of the Hierophant draws a
new card, and plays again.
- The Lovers (6)
- This card is played by
committing it on a battlefield together with a court (king, queen,
knight or knave) of that field's suit, or on one or two battlefields
with the Empress or Empress. The combination thus formed is
called an illegitimate couple and beats any adversary on
that battlefield except the combination of queen and king or the
combination of Empress and Emperor.
- The Chariot (7)
- This card is played
simultaneously with others from one's hand (possibly none), by putting
them all face up on the table for all players to see. The Chariot
then holds the other cards “in reserve”. The same player,
at any later point, may use his turn to either add one or two further
cards to the chariot (more may be added later), or discard the Chariot
and all its reserved cards, or else discard only the Chariot
and commit the reserved cards plus possibly others from his hand
(provided the rules allow all these cards to be committed together, of
course). Note that the Chariot allows more than six cards to be
committed on a battlefield.
- Justice (8)
- This card is played by
showing it to all players, and then leaving it aside for the remainder
of the round. It is irrelevant who plays this card, its effect is the
same on all players. Six cards (or less if six are not available) are
drawn from the deck, face up on the table: these cards, which will be
refilled as necessary (and if possible) to remain always six, and
always visible, belong to all players, who can all use them as if they
were theirs. The player who put down Justice gets to play again.
Please see the notes below for special
interactions between Justice and the Devil.
- The Hermit (9)
- This card is played by
putting it down on the table. It gives its player the possibility of
playing three times out of turn, immediately after some player's move
(possibly his own, possibly even several times in succession, but no
more than three times overall). The player is never forced to use
these extra moves, however: only his regular move is compulsory. He
can choose to play again immediately after having put down the Hermit
(and drawn a card if possible) if he wishes, but that will cost him
one of the three extra moves. After the three moves have been made,
or after the player has completed the round, the Hermit is
- The Wheel of Fortune (10)
- This card is
played by showing it to all players, after what it is discarded. The
player then draws five cards from the deck (or as many as possible, if
fewer), looks at them, and then discards four cards of his choice (or
less, if there were not enough cards to draw five) from the total ten
in his hand, to bring the total back to six (or more, if Strength is in effect).
- Strength (11)
- This card is played by
showing it to all players, and then leaving it aside for the remainder
of the round. The player then chooses between one of the following
two options: “two visible cards” or “one hidden
card”. In the first case, he draws two cards from the deck and
leaves them face up on the table. In the second case, he draws one
card from the deck and adds it to his hand. In either case, one must
also remember to draw one last card (to replace Strength itself). The
extra cards can then be used, for the remainder of the round, as
though it were part of the player's hand (with the important
difference that, in the “two visible cards” case, every
other player can see them). These cards will be renewed normally
(so that the player permanently has seven or eight cards at his
disposal, until the deck runs out).
- The Hanged Man (12)
- This card is
played by showing it to all players, after what it is discarded. The
player of the Hanged Man then chooses any target player, possibly
himself, thereby causing all of that player's cards to be discarded
and new ones to be drawn if possible. (The player of the Hanged Man
then draws a card, if necessary and possible, to complete his
- Death (13)
- When this card is played, it
terminates the round prematurely: the entire deck is discarded, and
cannot be refilled—so the players' hands will be left to run out
of cards. Death, of course, has no effect if the deck is already
- Temperance (14)
- This card is played
by putting it down on the table and specifying a battlefield on which
it acts, on which the player who puts it down cannot already have
committed (but abdication and Judgment
do not count here). Also, the deck must not be empty. Temperance
will remain in effect as long as these conditions are satisfied and as
long as the player remains in play. As soon as the player who used
Temperance commits (other than by abdicating) on the tempered
battlefield (which is permitted for him), or when the deck runs out of
cards and is not refilled (including
when Death is put down), or if the owner
finishes the game (by having commmitted on every battlefield,
including for example if he abdicates on the tempered battlefield
last), Temperance is immediately removed and discarded. The effect of
Temperance is to prevent any further commitment (other than
abdication, or Judgment), by other players, on the battlefield on
which it acts, so long as it acts.
- The Devil (15)
- This card is played by
showing it to all players, and then leaving it while it is active. It
causes six cards (of fewer if six are not available) to be drawn from
the deck, which are put face up on the table. (Finally, the player
draws another card to complete his hand.) The six cards form the hand
of another, daemon, player, who is added to the game,
playing just before the player who put down the Devil card,
and who is played by that player (the daemon player does not start
playing immediately, but only after all other players have played,
immediately before the daemon's master's next turn). The daemon
player's cards are always shown on the table, for all players to see;
apart from that, he is just like an ordinary player. But any battle
won by the daemon player at the end of the round is deemed to have
been won by the player who put down the Devil. (However, the daemon
player is considered as a separate player: so if he commits a five of
swords, for example, that card is not added to his allied's
forces, it is compared with the rest in the usual way.) When the
daemon player has finished playing in the round, the Devil is
discarded. Please see the notes below for
special interactions between Justice and
the Devil.
- The Tower (16)
- This card is played by
showing it to all players, after what it is discarded. The player can
then decommit some cards which have already been committed,
on some battlefield, either by himself or by an opponent: this cancels
their force on the battlefield. However, it is not possible to
decommit a battlefield for a player who has already committed on all
four (and therefore ceased to play); nor is it possible to decommit an
abdication, or Judgment, or the World. The decommitted cards are discarded
(except for the Emperor and Empress or a combination of one of these
with the Lovers if they remain committed
on another battlefield), and the battlefield is then free again for
the player who was the target of the Tower (so new cards can be
committed there again).
- The Star (17)
- This card is played by
showing it to all players, after what it is discarded. The player
then calls one of the fifty-six minor arcana (suit cards): if any
player has this card in his hand, he must surrender it to the caller,
and then draw a card from the deck; otherwise (when the call fails)
the caller draws a card from the deck.
- The Moon (18)
- This card is identical to
the Star, except that if the call fails,
the caller has the option of trying a second call (for a different
card) before drawing a card.
- The Sun (19)
- This card is identical to the
Star and the Moon, except that the caller can make up to
three calls for a card (or until one succeeds). Alternatively, the
caller can choose to call a major arcanum, with the exception of Judgment, the World and the Fool
(these cannot be called), but then has only one call.
- Judgment (20)
- This card can be
committed on any battlefield of any player, provided that
player has not yet committed on that battlefield, and Judgment
abdicates that battlefield for the target player. (That player is
considered to have abdicated at that very instant, not later on when
it is his move. If the battlefield was his last, his cards are
immediately discarded. The Judgment card is not discarded, however,
when it is committed.)
- The World (21)
- This card can be committed
on any battlefield (but the player must say which upon committing it),
provided nothing has been committed, by any player, on that
battlefield; even abdication, or Judgment, or a commitment destroyed by
the Tower, prevent the World from being
used on a battlefield (however, Temperance only temporarily prevents the
World from being committed). The World then wins the corresponding
battle, and causes all other players to instantly abdicate on that
battlefield (possibly terminating their role in the round, in which
case their cards are immediately discarded).
Further notes
Here we describe further rules for a plethora of special cases and
strange interactions of special cards (such as several major
- Nothing in the rules says that it is not permitted for the players
to speak among themselves, or to show cards from their own hand (or
cards that they are discarding) to other players.
- [1] (The following has already been explained elsewhere, and is repeated here at some length for
reference's sake.) In case two numeric commitments have been made,
one of which used the Magician to
transmute a card, and the two commitments count as equal on all three
normal rules for comparison (same total number of points, same total
number of cards, same smallest card) then the commitment having a
transmuted card and the Magician is deemed weeker than the other. For
example, a commitment of the three of swords, the seven of swords and
the ten of swords wins against a commitment of the three of staves,
the eight of swords, the nine of swords and the Magician (the latter
being used to transmute the three of staves to a three of swords).
However, a commitment of the three of swords, the seven of swords and
the ten of swords loses against a commitment of the five of staves,
the six of swords, the nine of swords and the Magician.
- [1] Mostly for consistency's sake, it is permitted to
commit the Magician along with numeric
cards (non-court minor arcana) even if the Magician is not used to
transmute anything. The Magician then doesn't change the commitment
in any way and can be ignored (but as he is committed, he isn't
discarded). The Magician cannot be committed alone, however
(whatever this would be worth for).
- [1, 1-0] The aces' special role (they can be committed
with a single knave or knight, and they protect agains the Fool) is not lost when they are transmuted by
the Magician.
- [1-21, 1-0] Nothing says that the Magician
cannot transmute a numeric card from the suit of a battlefield that
the World has been played upon. The
reason for pointing this out is that such cards would otherwise be
made useless (as are the court cards of the given suit, since they
cannot be transmuted). Conversely, if a card of a given suit is
played using the Magician to transmute it to another suit, this
doesn't preven the World from being played upon the former suit.
Lastly, nothing says the Fool can't be used
to steal a commitment which has the Magician in it. (This paragraph
is a consequence of the remainder of the rules and is just added here
for clarity.)
- [8-15] The Devil and Justice cancel each other in the following
way: if Justice is played after the Devil (and while the daemon player
still exists, i.e., hasn't committed everywhere), then the daemon
player's cards become Justice cards, and the player who played
Justice does not get to play again. The daemon player, however,
remains in play (holding no cards on his own, but having access to the
Justice cards just like other players, retaining his own commitments
and possible Chariot). If the Devil is played after Justice in the
round, then the Justice cards become the daemon player's cards (so
there is no justice any more), and Justice itself (the arcanum) is
discarded. (And even if the daemon player is out of the round,
Justice does not reappear.)
- [8-11-15] If, at the point where Justice is played, the
Devil was in effect and the daemon had played Strength, the Justice gets all of the
daemon's cards anyway. In this case, there can be more than six cards
in Justice.
- [7-8-15] If, at the point where Justice is played, the
Devil was in effect and the daemon had made a Chariot, then he remains the owner of that
- [8] If at some point both Justice cards
and a player's hand must be refilled from the deck (typically because
a player committed from his own hand and from Justice cards), then
Justice cards are served first (this is important in case the deck
does not hold enough cards to satisfy both).
- [11] Similarly, if a player has some visible Strength cards which must be refilled as
well as his hand, then the visible Strength cards are served from the
deck before the rest of his hand.
- [10-11] If the Wheel of Fortune is played by a
player having Strength cards, then that
player draws five, to a total of eleven or twelve, and then discards
the extra cards of his choice, regularly. If the player discards one
or both of his visible Strength cards, then he must choose one or two
of the drawn cards (not one that was previously in his hand)
to show to all players as new visible Strength cards. If the Wheel of
Fortune is played from a visible Strength card, see the
following note.
- [10-11] If the Wheel of Fortune is played from
a player's visible Strength cards, then
the player draws one card face up on the table and four to his hand.
He then discards either four cards from his hand (and the visible card
drawn becomes one of his visible Strength cards), or three from his
hand and the visible card, but in that case must elect one of the
other drawn cards (not one that was previously in his hand)
to show to all players as a new visible Strength card, or two from his
hand and the visible card and the other Strength card, but in that
case must elect two of the other drawn cards to show to all players as
new visible Strength cards.
- [8-10] If the Wheel of Fortune is played from
the Justice cards, then the player draws
one card to replace it among Justice cards, then only draws four cards
for his hand, and discards four from the total ten.
- [8-11] If Strength is played from a Justice card, then the Strength applies to
the Justice cards (which become seven or eight, at the player's
choice, if the deck can supply the extra cards). The extra cards do
not go to the player who used the card. (However, if the Wheel of
Fortune is played from a Justice card then it applies to the player's
hand, as explained in the previous note.)
- [8-(17, 18, 19)] If the Sun, the Moon or the Star is
used from a Justice card, then the
called card, if it is found, goes in the Justice cards, and not in the
caller player's hand.
- [2-15, 2-8] If the daemon player (conjured by the Devil) uses the High Priestess, then every player
gets to see the cards of the called player, not just the daemon's
master. On the other hand, if the High Priestess is played from a Justice card, then only the player of the
High Priestess sees the hand.
- [11-15] If the daemon player (conjured by the Devil) uses Strength, then his cards will be visible
in any case, and can be one or two in number, at the player's
- [10-15] If the daemon player (conjured by the Devil) uses the Wheel of Fortune, then every player gets to
see not only the cards finally retained in the daemon's hand, but also
every card that was drawn as part of the process.
- [15] The daemon player (conjured by
the Devil) does not get to give his
opinion as to whether the deck should be refilled (only real players,
such as the daemon's owner, do—including those who are out of
play for the round).
- [8-12] The Hanged Man can be used to
discard all Justice cards, instead of
all of a player's hand, if the player of the Hanged Man so chooses.
Justice cards are then refilled from the deck (if possible), and then
the player of the Hanged Man draws a card if necessary, as usual. The
Hanged Man can even be played on Justice from Justice cards
(“Justice hanging itself”).
- [7-12] If the Hanged Man is applied to a
player having played the Chariot, then
the Chariot is discarded along with all its cards and all of the
player's cards.
- [11-12] If the Hanged
Man is applied to a player having
played Strength, then the extra cards
which the latter confers are discarded along with the rest of the
player's cards, and they are refilled from the deck if possible (and
before the rest of the player's cards).
- [7-(1, 3, 4, 6)] No major arcanum, except the Magician, the Empress, the Emperor, and the Lovers, can be played from the Chariot. For
example, if the Chariot is set to contain the World, or Judgment, or
the Sun, then there is nothing to do with them but discard them with
the rest.
- [(2, 3, 8)-9] Although the Hermit allows extra
moves, these can only be used after a player has finished playing. In
particular, certain cards (the High
Priestess, the Hierophant, Justice) allow their user to play again:
these have priority over the Hermit, and the Hermit cannot be used to
insert a move between the card's action and the second play for that
- [9-15] If the Devil is used
from a Hermit move, then the daemon
player is inserted at the point (in the order of players) where the
Hermit move was made, rather than immediately before the player's
(normal) position. The daemon player does not play immediately, but
only after all other players have done so.
- [0-8] When the Fool is among
the Justice cards, then anyone can steal any commitment that the Fool
can steal. So whenever such an commitment is made, all players
(including a possible daemon, but except the player who just committed
something) are asked, in playing order and starting with the
player whose turn is next to come, as to whether they want to use the
Fool in Justice. If the Hermit is in use, things are more
complicated: see the next note.
- [0-8-9] When the Fool is among
the Justice cards (see the previous
note) and one player (other than the committer of the stealable cards)
has Hermit moves remaining, then all
players are asked in playing order as to whether they want to use the
Fool, but the player with Hermit moves can step in at any point
(including at the very start or at the very end) to grab the Fool for
himself. However, to do so, he must pledge one of his
Hermit moves: the point (in playing order) at which he grabbed the
Fool is remembered for the next turn of play, and, providing he is
still playing, the Hermit's player is bound to use (and therefore
lose) that pledged Hermit move at that same point in playing order
(that is, between the same two players) to insert his turn there.
[The really fine print: This means, obviously,
that the pledged move cannot be used before that point, nor can it be
pledged a second time in the highly unbelievable event that the Fool
would occur twice in the Justice cards within a single full game turn.
So a pledged move could be considered used, except that the Hermit
card is not discarded until the last Hermit moved has actually been
used or the player is out of play for the round. Concerning the point
in play: If the Fool was grabbed immediately, the Hermit move is
pledged to be used before the next normal player's turn; if it was
grabbed between two players, it is pledged to be used between the two
same players, with the obvious meaning if they leave play in the
meantime; if the Fool was grabbed last, i.e., after the player
immediately preceding the committer, the move is pledged to be used
between those two players. [0-8-9-15]: If a daemon has
appeared in the meantime at the pledge point, the pledge only concerns
the adjacent non-daemon players, i.e., the pledger can fulfill his
pledge either before or after that daemon.]
- [17, 18, 19] Nothing says the Star, Moon or Sun can't be used to call a card already in
one's hand. This can't be used as a bluff, however, because as in all
other cases the called-upon card must be shown to all the players.
(And apart from that the effect is quite identical to simply
discarding the calling card while showing it.)
- [7-(17, 18, 19)] The Star, the
Moon and the Sun
can all be used to call a card that is in the Chariot. This can be
used to remove a single card from the Chariot for any reason. (Of
course, only the Sun can remove a major arcanum, and with the usual
- [14-(16, 20, 21)] Temperance
does not prevent Judgment from being
inflicted on the tempered battlefield (just as it does not prevent
abdication), nor does it prevent the Tower
from being used upon it. It does, however, temporarily prevent
the World from being committed upon it
(and committing the Wold is one way the player of Temperance can
remove the latter).
DRESDEN is the variant of the game described above.
The DRESDEN variant is defined by the following difference with
respect to DRESDEN: Temperance cannot be removed implicitly
by (the player who put it down) playing on the tempered battlefield;
however, it can be removed explicitly, but this requires a full move.
Temperance also disappears when the deck runs out of cards. No
player, not even the one who put down temperance, can commit on the
tempered battlefield (as long as it is tempered).
The KOBLENZ variant is defined by the following difference with
respect to NASSAU:
Every player is permitted to make one secret commitment
per round, following essentially the same rules as (with the Magician)
in the MALTA variant: the cards are put
face down on the table (so only their number is visible) and will be
revealed only at the end of the round. Each player is permitted to do
this once per round (and if the commitment is stolen using the Fool or decommitted using the Tower, the benefit is still lost). The
Tower, incidentally, will not reveal which the decommitted cards were
(nor will the High Priestess or
similar such); the Fool may be used to attempt to steal a secret
commitment (showing it to the wielder of the Fool) but in that case
the Fool is lost and discarded if the commitment cannot be stolen.
The MAINZ variant is defined by the following differences with
respect to NASSAU:
- The aces have no special role. The knave and knight can only be
committed alone. The Fool can steal a
commitment which contains an ace.
- Adding extra cards to the Chariot,
beyond its initial load, is not limited to at most two per turn of
play: an arbitrary number of cards can be added on each turn.
- It is not possible to form an illegitimate imperial couple by
committing together the Empress and the
Lovers or the Emperor and the Lovers. The Emperor can only be used with
the Empress and the Empress with the Emperor.
MALTA differs from MAINZ only in the
effect of the Magician, which should
read as follows:
The Magician can be used to commit cards secretly: they are placed
face down on the table, rather than face up as usual, and the
opponents can only see how many cards are being put down. The
Magician is discarded. The cards will be revealed at the end of the
round, and then compared normally.
If some cards have been committed secretly using the Magician, and
another player (immediately) attempts to steal them using the Fool, then the player who put down the Fool
looks at the hidden cards (but does not show them to the other
players), and steals them if they can be stolen by the Fool (that is,
if they are not a couple); otherwise the Fool is lost (and
The Magician can be used secretly commit the Empress and Emperor, but in that case the imperial
couple will be committed only to one battlefield (on which the
Magician is played). The Magician cannot be used to commit the World secretly (nor to secretly pass Judgment or any such silly thing).
There is no possible transmutation of elements in the MALTA
WORMS differs from MAINZ insofar as
aces are concerned.
When an ace has been commmited alone (or possibly just
with the Magician) on a battlefield,
then a second commitment can be made later to that battlefield, or,
rather, the ace can be completed (but in a single move: there is no
third or fourth commitment). This second commitment can be either a
number of numerics of the appropriate suit (possibly using the
Magician to transmute a card; however, it is not possible to put down
the Magician on the first commitment with the ace and then use it on
the second, even if the ace was initially of the appropriate suit) or
a knave or a knight (but not a couple: that is, not a queen and king
nor a court with the Lovers, nor the Empress and Emperor). The second commitment can be
stolen using the Fool, in which case the
ace is not stolen along with the rest (it remains committed).
Once the second commitment has been made, the whole is considered as a
single commitment (for example, the Tower
could be used to decommit the whole set); if an knave or knight is
made as second commitment, then it automatically discards the ace,
otherwise the ace stays with the rest (and adds one point to the total
forces, quite regularly).
Note that until the second commitment has been made, if ever, the
ace's commitment is viewed quite regularly. For example, committing an
ace on one's last battlefield will remove one from play, thus
excluding the possibility of making any second commitment to go with
the ace. Also, the ace prevents the World
from being put down on the battlefield, or Temperance by the player who committed
the ace, and so on just as the usual rules dictate. The Tower, of course, can decommit the ace alone
just as it can decommit the ace along with the rest once the second
commitment has been made.
GAZA is an additional option (it can be played on top of any
variant, even though “GAZA” alone normally means “MAINZ+GAZA”), which is used to make
the game a little more interesting when there are only two (or
possibly three) players.
GAZA adds an extra player, called the “USA”, which
plays last in the round, and according to mechanical rules. USA's
cards, of course, are hidden to the other players (except when certain
arcana are used). When it is USA's turn to play, it mechanically
discards its oldest drawn card and (if there is a still a deck) draws
a new one to replace it (thus, there is no need for anyone to see its
cards); it is always willing to refill the deck; when it runs out of
cards, then it systematically abdicates on swords, staves, cups and
coins (in this order, if that is of any importance) — thus, the
USA will never win in GAZA (unless, that is, the players are very
desirous to lose). Nothing says you can't use Judgment on the USA player, although there
is no apparent reason why this would be useful; using the High Priestess or the Hanged Man is also permitted (and there
might even be a reason for doing it). There is one special
thing, however, about the USA player: in case a (real) player uses the
Hierophant or the Star, Moon or Sun, then all of USA's cards are
turned up so that every player can see them, and the appropriate
action is taken; USA continues playing normally for the remainder of
the round (newly drawn cards are invisible, of course).
The point of this extra player is to essentially remove roughly one
third from the deck when there are two players. This makes it a
little harder to obtain royal and imperial couples, for example.
Meme pool
Here are some further ideas for possible variants of arcanoid that
have yet to be tested (or are not sufficiently well specified to
define variants on their own).
- A crazy idea: “super-arcanoid”, played with two tarot
decks (with the same size but different backs), so 156 cards. Then we
have eight battlefields (say, swords, staves, cups, coins, stones,
books, bells and candles) and fourty-four major arcana (the twenty-two
usual ones, and twenty-two more that have yet to be
invented—some ideas of fun-sounding names for those are the
Witch (2), the Sorcerer (5), the Temple (7),
Balance (8), the Dragon (9), the Die (10),
Diligence (11), Life (13), Courage (14), the
Angel (15), Day (17), Dusk (18), Night (19), the
Rainbow (20) and the Void (21)). The opponents can see the
back of the cards in each person's hand, and therefore know how many
belong to the usual (“white”) tarot deck and how many
belong to the alternative (“black”) deck. Of course, in
practice it might not be easy to find a tarot deck whose suits are
stones, books, bells and candles, and having such arcana as the Dragon
or Diligence—but, hey, you just need to convince occultists that
they can predict more interesting things about the future with