Well, I started writing a new Web page about the calendar (which should complete my earlier page about time). It's still far from being finished. But maybe I can finally get those memes out of my way. As usual, I start by thinking I have only a few things to write (I even considered making it an entry in this 'blog), and I discover that I can type on and on for hours and still not get through a quarter of what I wanted to say. But as it's nearly 6AM, I think I'll have to stop for now. (And I intended to go to bed early tonight. ***Sigh***.)
Incidentally, I'm disappointed to find that my pocket calendar
(datebook, diary, whatever) does not give the computus of the year
(you know, the obscure fine print which is found on every traditional
calendar: 2004 – Dominical letter D/C – Roman indiction
12 – Golden number 10 – Epact 8
). Sic transit gloria mundi.