I started this as a 'blog entry, and it got so long that I'm making a separate Web page of it. The answer is somewhere between 194 and 239: read to find out more.
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↓Entry #0007 [older|※ permalink|newer] / ↓Entrée #0007 [précédente|※ permalien|suivante] ↓
I started this as a 'blog entry, and it got so long that I'm making a separate Web page of it. The answer is somewhere between 194 and 239: read to find out more.
↑Entry #0007 [older|※ permalink|newer] / ↑Entrée #0007 [précédente|※ permalien|suivante] ↑
[Index of all entries / Index de toutes les entrées • Latest entries / Dernières entrées • (RSS 1.0) • Recent comments / Commentaires récents]