simply produces <foo>in the text).
<URL: http://somewhere.tld/ >
and it will be automatically made into a link.
(Do not try any other way or it might count as an attempt to spam.)mailto:
e.g. mailto:my.email@somewhere.tld
if you do not have a genuine Web site).
Ruxor (2019-02-05T20:42:05Z)
@jonas: Another example of what I was writing about in my latest post (<URL: http://www.madore.org/~david/weblog/d.2019-02-02.2579.html#d.2019-02-02.2579 >): I've meant to talk about this structure and card deck for ages on my blog, but I have so much to say about it (from the combinatorics of Schläfli double-sixes to how I chose the symbols and arranged them on the cards) that I can never get around to it — whereas on Twitter I managed to stay somewhat concise.
jonas (2019-02-05T19:18:08Z)
Followup by Ruxor: “I have this nice deck of 36 custom-made cards designed according to the combinatorics of a elegantly symmetric mathematical structure (namely: the double-sixes of lines on a cubic surface)” <URL: https://twitter.com/gro_tsen/status/1092529968482009089 >
zEgg (2015-07-23T14:51:18Z)
Il doit bien y avoir des dessins vectoriels de notes de musiques disponibles quelque part. Tu peux alors utiliser une gamme tétratonique genre si-ré-fa-sol♯.
Vocabulaire (2015-07-22T23:00:16Z)
Il semble qu'il faille distinguer les enseignes (anglais suit) et les couleurs (anglais colour). Cependant, tout le monde fait la confusion (y compris moi-même, jusqu'à il y a dix minutes), ce qui est fort fâcheux, comme tu le dis.