Comments on TODO sur la physique des particules

Ruxor (2014-02-13T13:46:15Z)

@jonas: It really depends on how you count (basically, you can count one complex number = 2 real numbers and forget about conjugation, or each of the particle and the antiparticle = 1 real number, and in both cases, of course, you get 2 in the end), I think the most intuitive count for the Dirac fermion fields is that the left-handed particle, right-handed particle, left-handed antiparticle and right-handed antiparticle each give 1 degree of freedom, but the essential thing is that everyone should agree that it gives 4 in the end.

jonas (2014-02-13T08:39:03Z)

Strange. I had the impression that the antiparticles don't add to the dimension of the fields, instead they're just waves complex conjugate to the original particle.

zEgg (2014-02-13T06:47:26Z)

Comme d'habitude pour tes TODO lists, j'imagine que tu attends de tes lecteurs qu'ils prioritisent les points dont ils veulent le plus entendre parler afin de pouvoir te permettre de les ignorer. :)

Je vote pour un exposé sur les condensats !

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