simply produces <foo>in the text).
<URL: http://somewhere.tld/ >
and it will be automatically made into a link.
(Do not try any other way or it might count as an attempt to spam.)mailto:
e.g. mailto:my.email@somewhere.tld
if you do not have a genuine Web site).
Karl (2004-01-28T12:58:25Z)
1073741824 is a bidemical number. Its reciprocal is 93132257461547851565 times a very small power of ten.
Ruxor (2004-01-20T14:57:48Z)
Karl: (POSIX says that) Unix counts time in UTC. So, by 2^30 seconds I meant 2^30 seconds of UTC, which is more than 2^30 seconds of TAI (of "real time" on Earth if you will). Or, if you will: Unix turns 2^30 non-leap seconds (plus a few leap seconds).
Karl (2004-01-20T09:19:41Z)
Are Leap Seconds counted in these 2^30 seconds?
Ruxor (2004-01-13T19:26:04Z)
AC#410: Dans sept mois.
Anonymous Coward #410 (2004-01-13T18:40:51Z)
À propos de date charnière: le ban d'usenet est bientôt levé, non?
phi (2004-01-12T22:21:25Z)
Pour ceux que cela intéresse: ADSL free c'est *vraiment* rapide: le zip de mozilla 1.6 qui fait 10 MB est chargé en moins de 22 secondes…
donc 460 kB/s ou encore 4 Mb/s avec les bits de contrôle. Or la vitesse annoncée est "seulement" de 2 Mb/s. Pas de comression logicielle possible, a priori: le sur-zippage a un effet infime. Ça change de club-internet qui parvenait péniblement à 65 kB/s…
Ghalys (2004-01-12T08:30:58Z)
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