David Madore's WebLog: All you ever wanted to know about color

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↓Entry #0164 [older| permalink|newer] / ↓Entrée #0164 [précédente| permalien|suivante] ↓


All you ever wanted to know about color

So typical of me: I decided I'd write a little page about color, so as not to forget some things I learned that took me a while to figure out, and which were slipping from my mind. Except I didn't just write a little page: I spent the night at it and wrote nearly a whole course (if uneven) on colorimetry.

Well, even if you're not all that interested about colorimetry, it's probably worth having a look at, because of all the nice pictures (it'll take a while to download, though, because the nice pictures are 48bpp PNG images with colorimetric labeling).

Anyway, it's done, now, and I can sleep and forget all about color.

Oh yeah, the URI—it's here: All you ever wanted to know about color but were afraid to ask.

Update: Oh yes, the keen reader will already have understood that this means I bought myself a new monitor, a Philips 107E5, which has a calibrated sRGB mode (which is how the pictures on the colorimetry page ought to be viewed).

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