Comments on Gratuitous Literary Fragment #102 (Manifesto)

Abie (2007-04-08T18:18:16Z)

"Do not attempt to lay them at your brother's feet."

Nicely put as a whole.

Hachem (2007-04-08T17:50:02Z)

Tu vas avoir une drôle de surprise quand Je déciderai de faire de toi de la nourriture pour vers.
Je vois encore (évidemment) la tête de Marx et Nietzsche quand ils ont comparu devant Moi.
Pour te préparer, tu peux regarder

nameornick (2007-04-08T07:48:28Z)

100% agreed. That's the sort of text that should be translated into as many languages as possible and displayed in public places across the world for people to read and think about. Perhaps with a few more arguments, like:

"Realize that the idea of an omnipotent God is necessarily a cruel one, since He could then stop all crimes when they are about to happen but manifestly He does not. And then how useful is a Moral Code based on a cruel God ? On the contrary, the idea of a God who is not omnipotent is that of a weak God who watches helplessly as humans slaughter one another. How useful at all could a Moral Code based on a helpless God be ?

On the other hand, a Moral Code made by humans for humans is free of such dubious underpinnings."

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