Comments on More mess: after the GuruPlug, the DreamPlug

jonas (2012-03-18T20:37:59Z)

For future readers: David answers my question in the blog entry “Wifi master mode on the DreamPlug, and why I want to murder someone” at 2012-03-17.

FX (2012-03-13T08:51:19Z)

Does “24/7/365” mean you turn it off one day in 2012?

Ska (2012-03-13T03:08:11Z)

About uClibc: that's precisely the nice thing with the Aboriginal Linux binary toolchains, you don't have to know about how to install the libc or anything of the kind. The toolchains come with a whole binary libc and they are totally relocatable. And if you decide to link dynamically, you can just copy the .so
libc files to wherever you want on your target (typically /lib) and you're good to go.
But yes, I understand what you mean when you talk about having a totally standard distro powering your machine. Good luck with that. :-)

Ni (2012-03-12T11:37:34Z)

Did you try to use kexec to switch from the custom kernel to a standard one? That sould avoid you the trouble of getting bootloader decent enough to boot a standard kernel.

Regardng toolchains, you can look at scratchbox. It's a nice project that makes configure scripts believe ther are running natively using binfmt_misc and qemu (or an actual remote device) to run the cross-compiled binaries, and strangely enough, it mostly works.

jonas (2012-03-12T09:06:51Z)

Could you buy two devices, namely a silent computer with just one gigabit ethernet port, and a cheap silent router with wifi and at least three gigabit ethernet ports? (Plus two cheap power supplies, of course, and possibly some storage.)

Ruxor (2012-03-12T08:31:40Z)

@Gabriel: De fait, je ne veux pas d'OpenWRT, je veux une Debian standard. Il y a plein de matos qui marche censément « comme un charme » sous Linux, mais quand on y regarde de plus près il faut une distrib non-standard, un noyau patché, un bootloader spécial, un firmware téléchargé sur un site FTP douteux, des scripts ad hoc, bref, tout ce qui ne me plaît pas. Évidemment que dans ces conditions mon DreamPlug marche aussi comme un charme, il est fait pour ; mais moi je voudrais pouvoir mettre un noyau rigoureusement standard, ou au moins destiné à le devenir (i.e., dans l'arbre git d'un mainteneur officiel), sans patchs, et une distrib out-of-the-box.

Gabriel (2012-03-12T07:45:24Z)

Netgear WNDR3700v2 <URL:>

Attention à bien prendre un v2, la version v3 a des problèmes de support Linux il me semble. OpenWRT tourne comme un charme dessus, il y a une prise USB pour brancher une clé, c'est du gigabit ethernet de du wifi 802.11 a/b/g/n (en fait il y a deux cartes, une qui fait b/g/n et l'autre a/n). Peut-être un peu gros pour toi, ou peut-être qu'OpenWRT ne te convient pas; je ne sais pas si quelqu'un a essayé d'y installer Debian.

Ruxor (2012-03-12T06:49:22Z)

@Ska: My syntax was misleading, I didn't mean to say I spent several hours building a cross-compiler: I spent several hours configuring the kernel, after having built a cross-compiler. The latter wasn't easy either, but the difficulty was mostly in persuading it to find the right files in the right places: had I decided to use uClibc (which I would anyway replace later on, because I want a standard glibc-based Debian on the system in the end), I should have had to learn how to install that, and I'm sure I would have wasted even more time. (I did try to find a Debian-packaged version of the arm-linux-gnueabi gcc, there's some stuff down at <URL: >, but somehow I was unable to satisfy all the dependencies.)

Anyway, the major part of the pain was from the kernel and U-Boot, not getting the cross-compiler.

Ska (2012-03-12T05:06:07Z)

Again and again, your hubris punishes you, making you waste your time.
Instead of building your own ARM toolchain, you could have searched for an existing one.
And there's a guy who's doing toolchains right.

<URL: > , and in particular <URL: > will give you all the binary toolchains you need. Bonus: those are uClibc toolchains, and uClibc happens to be very well tested on ARM platforms (being the embedded toolchain of choice).

Ah, but maybe you absolutely wanted a glibc toolchain… why then not try something like buildroot or OpenWRT, which automate this ?

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