simply produces <foo>in the text).
<URL: http://somewhere.tld/ >
and it will be automatically made into a link.
(Do not try any other way or it might count as an attempt to spam.)mailto:
e.g. mailto:my.email@somewhere.tld
if you do not have a genuine Web site).
Fork (2010-12-28T18:59:07Z)
All this shoudln't be that depressing! Progress in system comes small leaps by small leaps ;)
Damien (2010-12-28T17:25:59Z)
Pour approfondir les détails de NTP, je conseille vivement le livre de Mills (2e édition sortie il y a quelques semaines) : http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/book.html
Damien (2010-12-28T16:12:36Z)
Pour info, depuis Linux 2.6.26, on a aussi CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW (http://lkml.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0803.2/1012.html).
tartaglia (2010-12-28T09:23:39Z)
Having your readers suffer from a headache is a genuinely geeky way to wish them a merry Xmas.