Comments on Another night of hacking

Calamity (2003-08-20T21:20:45Z)

Après avoir posté mon deuxième comment dans cette rubrique maintenant j'ai le premier qui apparait de nouveau.
(Tu pourras effacer mes comments d'essais après)

Calamity (2003-08-20T21:19:44Z)

Tiens après avoir posté mon dernier comment j'ai vu mon comment, mais ensuite j'ai fait log out et je ne voit plus que vos deux comments mais par contre il ne me donne pas la possibilité de log in, il dit toujours que je suis logged in...

Calamity (2003-08-20T21:17:50Z)

Il semble que pour cette rubrique comments je sois perpetuellement logged in

Izys (2003-08-20T08:20:40Z)

Thanks for the ad. Everybody is authorized to post comments on my flog too, but only Ludovic a.k.a. ZoZo seems leave tracks of his passage...

I find your talkback system really nice. Of course, you could add many little gizmos: simple HTML like emphasis or external links (maybe this already works?), preview, edit, send private message (for those who want only you to read the comment), etc. I'm happy you did it; many times I had some futile remark about one of your blog entries, but kept it in my pocket because sending an email for that was not worth it. Thanks & keep going!

(This message is written in bad English rather than in decent French because I type with an American keyboard.)

Ruxor (2003-08-20T03:14:42Z)

Well at least it seems that the all-night hacking session finally produced some results!

This is my first post on the real field-test of this comment system. And I sure hope it works.

Oh, and let's add a little URI here. Like <URL: > (my beloved school!).

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